

Well, hello there.

So, my FIRST Birchbox box came in the mail today (see previous post about the ipsy glam bag - part of my four test runs with these beauty subscriptions).

I really like the box aspect (versus a pouch in a semi-ugly pattern or bunch of colors) because I am all about recycling (okay, I could recycle the ipsy pouch, but that's technically regifting; by just using the Birchbox box as a wrapping, that's not regifting - not that regifting is bad!).

[I have the product names, too; will add soon.]

---Isaac Mizrahi perfume sample: I squirted it on & after sniffing, immediately washed my arms. It's not awful, but it's not me. It smelled, to my big nose, like something an older aunt would wear. No offense to those who like it; everyone's sniffer is different. I tend to like fruity, vanilla-like stuff = NYC by SJP is the most recent one I had to buy. I also love Viva La Juicy... just to give you snapshot of my fav scents.
---Tea. Now, I like to say that I like tea, but I am a freak for coffee. This one claims to be as caffeinated as coffee, so I'll give it a whirl. However, do people drink tea in the summer? Hot tea? Might have to attempt to make iced tea with it?
---Blush. Already used it today pre-running errands, and I don't think it has totally worn off. Huh.
---Facial Peel. May have to try tonight or this weekend?
---SPF lotion. I think I'd use the whole sample in one day, but I guess it's nice to be introduced to a new SPF cream. Oh, and I think this one has cucumbers in it? Why do we need fruit in stuff? Did I miss that memo?

Sidenote #1: I like the fact that there's a card explaining what is what, and how much they cost. Ipsy's bag didn't have that.

Sidenote #2: On FB, some are freaking out about an extra SPECIAL box of Nuance products? I wonder who gets that. I'll be honest; if I have to start paying attention (a.k.a. Logging into FB even more than I normally do) in order to get more deals, that is going to annoy and exhaust me. It's like when the bank said they wouldn't charge me a fee on my second checking account IF I used the debit card attached to it 10 times a month. I detest keeping track of crap. I ended up deleting that account. Yeah, that's how I roll.

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