
project #3: the "harder" wreath.

While at the secondhand store today, I wanted to find a donut shaped anything to make a wreath with. And then I spotted this pan for $.79 (that's my cat Sushi wondering what the hell I'm doing & you can also see how messy the floor of my office is... oh well!). 

In the box are mason jars that don't have tops = I'm thinking they'd be great storage for my buttons and beads, etc. Yay! And so damn cheap!

The AFTER picture. I added some dark green canvas material that was cut into strips (and secured in the back with wire). This scrap material was at the secondhand store for $1, and I knew that it would allow me to sew into it with a large needle & thick hemp string.

So, after attaching the canvas material, I wrapped some sparkly string (I have had it for awhile - maybe I used it to wrap gifts once upon a time?) around one area... and starting sewing buttons. I love odd numbers, so I went with five = two red, two green, and one big brown one to add that cabin/rustic look sort of.

Lastly, I used thicker hemp string at the top so it can hang from our door.

Another Project in Progress:
I made these paper balls from newspaper a LONG time ago... like maybe the first summer we were in the house (2011), and I hadn't used them for much. So, over the weekend, I finally drilled holes into them (and accidentally into my bf's workbench in the garage) and painted them white.

I used glitter glue on the bottom three (big ones) and just glittered the rest now... I plan to make it into a really funky necklace. They are large beads, but not as heavy as they look.

In this image you can't see the box to the left which contains MORE beads of this kind, but smaller. They will be painted, eventually, and made into the little snowman dude pictured here above the necklace. Yeah.

I am trying to do too much, but it's so fun to be creative.

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