
button mania.

Yes, you read that correctly. I'm not gushing about Beatle mania or Beetle mania, although I could... well, the former would take more umph than the latter (god bless VWs). Anyhow, I have been a mad woman seeking out buttons lately.

Ever heard someone say that before? Yep, me neither.

If you checked out my last post, I made a cute little button evergreen ornament. Yeah. Well, finding buttons - GREEN ones at that - in my piles of junk, that are different SIZES, wasn't happening. I was able to make two tree ornaments. That's it. Bummer.

Then, last Saturday, I went to a thrift store - a big one - in Fargo to find MORE green buttons of MORE sizes. No go. Damn it. Who gets upset about buttons? This girl. So silly. I completely realize that.

So, yesterday, before I knew I had to be on campus for my office hour at 11am, I took off for Fergus Falls, MN in my baby bug (okay, she's no baby at almost 13-years-old; man, I really am all about reduce, reuse, recycle - I refuse to trade her in) to find some *#(@%$ buttons.

And came home with other crap instead. Still, the other crap was great crap. But they weren't buttons.

So, after assessing papers like a teacher on crack, I thought, "Hey, I'll go back to our little thrift store in town. It had some buttons the last time I was there." And they DID. Like three small bags of ALL GREEN BUTTONS. I was never so happy to see buttons. (Yes, I might need therapy after all this DIY stuff I've thrown myself into ever since making friends with my sewing machine.)

Now, all I can think about is what to do with buttons, because obviously, I will have leftovers. I already had too many buttons for a person who hates shirts that button... and god bless Pinterest for helping me find button projects.

I may try to make necklaces and rings and bracelets and beaded headbands and beaded wreaths and... yeah. I've linked all the above to my Pinterest DIY category, so go here to find the links to the cool stuff above.

At least this addiction costs me very little. With my 25% Off coupon yesterday, I purchased A LOT for under $20. Woot woot! Oh, and I found awesome-and-barely-used thread for $0.19-0.49!! And a fat little stuffed Santa (possibly made by a DIYer) for my office.

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