I love love love wedges. I'm a bit obsessed.
These images are from last year; I was even drooling over wedges THEN. Jeez.
Haiku Ambulance.
I like the combo of colors. Beautiful!
Second Skin.
Edgey and funky. I love black... and Levis... and red leather purses.
Style Porn.
Love the belt; it's unexpected. And the lace-up wedges!
Vintage Vandalism.
I want a pic like this of me for my honey. Hot stuff, huh?
Money Smart Fashion.
I bought these shoes @Target; they are a size 8.5... BUT THEY WERE $6...! Tight, but I'll work it out.
I have MORE inspirational images saved on the iMac at home; I figured I should clear off my desktop at work since I save them as their blog name - meaning that Style Porn's image was saved as Style Porn. Eeeek. I think I could've explained that to Wade, but, yeah...
$6? I may have to take a ride to Target...