I'm, sadly or fortunately or whatever, one of "those people" who loves words on my clothes. Yea. Sorry. I think. Well, I DO teach English. Maybe that's why?
So, yes. Those goofy tees with sayings on them = love 'em. I found one at Savers "the other day" that said, "I'm Not Irish, But I Play One On TV." Hilarious, right? And I have another pink one that claims, "Black is the New Black." Still another recent purchase, a navy tee, says, "It's All My Fault." So fitting! I should still eventually wear that to a major campus meeting; the president would enjoy it.
Anyhow, I'm "one of those people," and it may be just as annoying as those who wore the trucker hats for 5 minutes 6.7 years ago, but it is what it is.
Maybe that should be a shirt? I'm One Of Those People.
I'm thinking, as a response to the dress above, that I should write a poem on the $2 camo cargos I bought this weekend. Maybe an anti-war poem, even. What a juxtaposition that would be, eh? Now, to find some paint and markers.
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